
Ella Price
New Adult Romance, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Erotic Romance
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- Member Since
May 2017
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
14 April
- Profession
I have been writing since I was eight. I started out with poetry. Eventually, I moved on to short fantasy stories, then eventually books. I have always loved books, whether I was reading them or writing them. Books were always a perfect escape from reality. When I was growing up, I admired authors and I imagined I would eventually be one.
The primary genre I write is fantasy romance. I love creating tough heroines and sexy vampires, werewolves, Fae, and every other supernatural creature I can come up with. I also write new adult romance when I am in the right mood. I want my readers to get the same joy from reading my stories that I do when I read some of my favorite authors.